
Black Friday Madness - Are you Running Your Business on Impulse?

Am I the only one, or are you also buried under a mountain of Black Friday emails?

While I do appreciate a good deal (who doesn't?), sometimes it feels like too much, right?

And let's be real, are those deals even real deals?

Think about it.

How many times have you snagged something because it was "such a steal," only to never use it?

Like those veggies you bought 3 for 2, that ended up in the compost or that gorgeous half price dress you swore you'd fit into...someday.

Or, that training course you got ridiculously cheap but never even opened.

Guilty as charged!

It's like Black Friday preys on our love for impulsive buys, without us really needing or, honestly, even wanting those things.

It's a lot like how many people run their business, isn't it? Hopping from one idea to another without a clear goal or plan.

But here's the thing: running a business on a whim just doesn't work.

You need a solid plan. Trust me, I've been there - jumping at every shiny new idea.

But I've learned (sometimes the hard way) that a good strategy is key.

This week, I've been all about planning. I spent a day with amazing female entrepreneurs in Birmingham, setting our goals for the next year, and then huddled down in Milton Keynes with my mentor, Kylie, to get into the nitty-gritty of my business strategy.

Your business is too crucial to leave to chance, hoping to strike gold like that elusive Black Friday bargain.

So, if planning isn't really your bag,, here are three things to consider:


Take a real, hard look at where you are now. Celebrate what's working and learn from what's not.


Define what you really want. Set those financial goals, figure out how many clients you need, and plan your offerings.


Map out the actions to reach your goals. Think about your offerings, audience-building strategies, and any skills you need to brush up on.

Once you're clear on your plan, decision-making becomes a breeze. If it doesn't align with your vision, it's a no-go (for now, at least).

So, have you started thinking about your 2024 business plan?

Don't leave it too late.

PS: Coaching Opportunity Alert!๐ŸŒŸ

I currently have ONE spot open for one-to-one coaching/mentoring. This is perfect if you're a wellness coach looking to expand into B2B, reach more people, or just want a more stable income source. It's an 8-week, high-touch programme to kickstart 2024 with a bang. If you're interested, email [email protected] a let's have a virtual cuppa and chat about levelling up your game next year!


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